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What is a SSAS Allowed to Invest in?

What is a SSAS Allowed to Invest in?


What is a SSAS Allowed to Invest in?

Our sister Company, One Crown Investments, has a number of SSAS Compliant options that you may wish to consider. Feel free to have a chat with one of the friendly advisors there.

The list contains contains only some of the options a SSAS is able to invest in, the full list is more extensive but some of the most common options are:

  • Bonds and loan notes issued by Companies
  • Stocks and shares from almost any listed stock exchange.
  • Investment Trusts
  • Unit Trusts
  • Gold (provided it is held in a bonded warehouse)
  • Deposit Accounts 
  • Government Gilts 
  • Commercial property
  • Third party loans that meet HMRC approval
  • Loans to the sponsoring employer -  an investment and an asset 

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