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SSAS Introducer Hub: How Much SSAS Pension Knowledge is Needed to Introduce?

SSAS Introducer Hub: How Much SSAS Pension Knowledge is Needed to Introduce?

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SSAS Introducer Hub: How Much SSAS Pension Knowledge is Needed to Introduce?

We understand one of the dilemmas in becoming a SSAS Introducer is wanting to be able to have good conversations with clients with sufficient knowledge and depth. 

Thankfully, there isn’t a whole lot you need to know before becoming a SSAS Introducer. We can provide all the information you need and then carry on the conversation with your clients, should they be interested in finding out more about SSAS.

SSAS Pension Information and Resources

We have created, and provide completely for free, lots of informative SSAS resources in our SSAS Video Hub. While there may be a lot you already know, particularly if you are a finance professional, we encourage you to browse these videos to bring yourself up to speed.

With the level of resources, and the accessibility of those resources that we provide, for yourself as an Introducer and for your clients, there isn’t much more you need to know to become an Introducer.

SSAS Pension Scheme Expertise

You need to know that we do a good job. One of the ways you can see this is by the huge amount of time and effort we have put into our resources. We make all of our SSAS resources available for free to the general public so that people can understand SSAS for themselves and make informed financial decisions.

More about us.

Connect Your Clients with Qualified SSAS Experts

Once you’ve made the initial introductions, we can take the conversation forward with your clients. If you’ve had a helpful conversation with one of your clients and they seem interested in finding out more about SSAS, CC us into your next email at [email protected] and a member of our team will get in touch to take the conversation forward.

Become an Introducer Today

Fill in the form below, and a member of our team will get in touch.

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